Group Exhibition – May 2022

Group Exhibition

Comments (37)

I love the Old Wolf! It has the looks of a seasoned fellow who has seen many things in his lifetime and has the wisdom acquired of age and experience.
I think you have definitely captured the essence of this fellows character.
A very nice rendition indeed!
Great work Anastasia!

НАСТЯ, МНЕ нравятся все твои картины, волк и тигр выглядят как живые. Желаю тебе дальнейших успехов. Сергей Жуков

Nastya, I like all your paintings, the wolf and the tiger look like they are alive. I wish you continued success. Sergey Zhukov

Картины Анастасии Волковой замечательные! Получила удовольствие от просмотра!!! ВЫ СУПЕР!!!

Anastasia Volkova’s paintings are wonderful! Enjoyed watching!!! YOU ARE SUPER!!!

Анастасия Волкова, Вы замечательная художница! Рада, что увидела Ваши работы!!!

Anastasia Volkova, you are a wonderful artist! Glad to see your work!

Алевтина Караван

С большим удовольствием посмотрела вашу выставку. Вызывает огромный интерес и большое уважение к молодым талантами. Особое восхищение вызвали картины Насти Волковой. Волк-сейчас сорвётся и побежит, африканка – прелестная, своей необычной красотой. Я благодарна молодому таланту за её преподнесение такой стороны жизни. Спасибо, Настя Волкова!

It was a great pleasure to see your exhibition. Causes great interest and great respect for young talents. Particular admiration was caused by the paintings of Nastya Volkova. The wolf will now break loose and run, the African is charming, with her unusual beauty. I am grateful to the young talent for her presentation of this side of life. Thank you, Nastya Volkova!

Анастасия Волкова, вы супер!!!! Браво👏👏👏. Гениально!!!!

Anastasia Volkova, you are super!!!! Bravo. Brilliant!!!!

A very unique set of artists, I was very pleasantly surprised. “Light of time” has to be my favorite though, very atmospheric.

Congratulations to all the participating artists. It is nice to see different art styles from different countries. The exhibition shows differences but at the same time, shows how people get connected through art.

Each and every piece of art in this Exhibition is outstanding. I can see the diverse artists and their own unique artwork.I appreciate Arts and crafts for curating this fantastic exhibition.I encourage all the visitiors to select and purchase the art pieces and encourage artist and appreciate their artwork.Thanks.

Beautiful 🤩

Natalia Vityugova

A very interesting and diverse exhibition! Amazing paintings by talented artists. I really liked the landscapes by Vasilisa. Very atmospheric. Just a tiny suggestion to the organizers: it would be much better if visitors could zoom in and see all the details. Probably I simply don’t know how to use all the tools.

It’s amazing work! Beauty of Africa ❤️

Тамара Волкова

Уважаемые организаторы выставки, добрый день! Хочу выразить свое впечатление от выставки. Особенно поражают картины Анастасии Волковой. Тигр бесподобен, африканская девочка смотрит, как живая. также понравились “Глаза Аравии” в исполнении Василисы и Огненный конь Брауна. Жаль, что мало авторов и картин. Всем желаю дальнейших успехов и побед.

Dear organizers of the exhibition, good afternoon! I would like to express my impression of the exhibition. The paintings of Anastasia Volkova are especially striking. The tiger is incomparable, the African girl looks like she is alive. also liked “Eyes of Arabia” performed by Vasilisa and Brown’s Fiery Horse. It is a pity that there are few authors and paintings. I wish you all continued success and victories.

Beautiful art work.I liked the abstract art by artist Geetaa Buttan.Her art pieces ‘The beautiful face of Nature ‘ and othe Nature painting are just fantastic .Well done !

Какие великолепные работы! Чувствуется неординарный, творческий подход автора. Все работы буквально пронизаны любовью к жизни и позитивным настроением! Желаю дальнейших творческих успехов и вдохновения!
С уважением, психолог Надежда.

What great work! You can feel the extraordinary, creative approach of the author. All works are literally permeated with love for life and a positive mood! I wish you further creative success and inspiration!
Sincerely, psychologist Nadezhda.

Настя, ты молодец, очень шикарные картины. Все нравятся. Желаю тебе успехов.

Nastya, you’re done, very chic pictures. Everyone likes it. I wish you success.

Hello! Anastasia Volkova ❤she is a very Super Talantive an Artist!!! ❤

Ирина Комарова

Добрый день, мне особенно понравились картины Волковой Анастасии. Волк и тигр как будто живые и смотрят на нас, а молодая негритяночка в её исполнении просто завораживает, оторвать взгляд от неё не могу. Ещё очень понравились картины Василисы Елисеевой и Кларисы Батиста.

Good afternoon, I especially liked the paintings by Anastasia Volkova. The wolf and the tiger seem to be alive and look at us, and the young black woman in her performance is simply mesmerizing, I can’t take my eyes off her. I also really liked the paintings by Vasilisa Eliseeva and Clarissa Batista.


Добрый день, понравились работы Волковой Анастасии! Работа выполнена очень профессионально. Шикарные картины!

Good afternoon, I liked the work of Anastasia Volkova! The work was done very professionally. Gorgeous paintings!

Ольга Старухина

Волк – красивое серьёзное животное.

The wolf is a beautiful serious animal.

Лена Алексееаа

Мне нравятся картины Насти Волковой. Картины классные! Желаю творческих побед. Так держать!

I like Nastya Volkova’s paintings. Pictures are awesome! I wish you creative success. Keep it up!

What a wonderful idea for the online exhibition. I feel like I’m in a real gallery. Keep the good job up Mr. Anil!
Beautiful artworks, well deserved to be displayed here. All the best to all participants!

Отличные работы Анастасии Волковой!!! Я побывала не на выставке, а в сказочном мире образов — ярких, волшебных, зачаровывающих. Необыкновенно реалистичные образы тигра и волка!!! картины обладают еще и мощным энергетическим полем. Они, словно магнитом, приковываю к себе взор, завораживают и проникают в самую душу. И это неспроста. Ведь что ни говори, волки – одни из наиболее свободолюбивых и сильных зверей.
Браво, Анастасия!!!

Great work by Anastasia Volkova!!! I did not visit the exhibition, but the fairy-tale world of images – bright, magical, enchanting. Unusually realistic images of a tiger and a wolf!!! paintings also have a powerful energy field. They, like a magnet, riveting the gaze to me, fascinate and penetrate the very soul. And this is no accident. After all, whatever you say, wolves are one of the most freedom-loving and strong animals.
Bravo, Anastasia!!!

Все работы превели в восторг!!! Чувствуется талантливая рука художника! Картины и6тре63ют и затягивают своей глубезной мысли и чувства, поражает компазитция и цветовая гамма

All work was amazing!!! You can feel the talented hand of the artist! The paintings are irritating and addictive with their deep thoughts and feelings, the composition and color scheme are striking.

Beautiful piece!

Beautiful pictures!!I especially liked the picture by Geeta Buttan. Wonderful work done by all artist

Beautiful paintings .I’m really impressed by the work of all the artists.I wish you a luck and success.

Very beautiful paintings.I’m highly impressed by the work presented by all the artists.I wish you luck and success.Keep it up .

Елена Алексеева

Анастасия, Ваши картины просто классные. Желаю дальнейших успехов. Так держать!

Anastasia, your pictures are simply cool. I wish you continued success. Keep it up!


tiger’s face and african girl painting
Both of them are great creativity and infinitely accurate.
I cannot take my eyes off them for a long time, I liked the accuracy of this promising artist’s performance.
Anastasia, your fingers reflect the beauty of your view of things.
I bow in appreciation of your efforts and creativity, and I hope to be by your side while you draw one of your paintings.

Anastasia volkova, really you are the queen 👑 of art.

Wishing you all the best.

All the work are really beautiful 😍

Hello Everyone,
Welcome to Artscraft’s first Group exhibition with Great Artists from USA, Russia, Belarus, Philippines and Nigeria. Please give your valuable comments and appreciate the work of artists.

Beautiful artworks by all the artists. My best wishes to all.

Татьяна Соловьева



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