Sunita Agarwal

Sunita Agarwal



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Artist: Sunita Agarwal

Country: India


Birla Academy of Art and Culture Kolkata

Academy of Fine Arts Kolkata

Triveni Kala Sangam New Delhi

Education Hons Loreto College Kolkata



As a young Artist Sunita was born and brought up in Kolkata, hub of art and culture, she was always drawn towards human emotions and expressions. It was magical to be able to put them on canvas which enthusiastically motivated her to become Visual artist. There is always a story telling element in Sunita’s creative process highlighting social issues, more particularly of women and children. It illustrates her perception, feelings, sentiments translating them into paintings through vibrant and subtle play of colours.

Painting to Sunita has been an emotional upturn since her childhood. It opened a world of creativity and untiring exploration, a voyage through colours with the manifested outside colours, blending into the colours of her, inside, revealing in a spectrum, most intimate and emotional.

Her rendezvous with various mediums including oil, charcoal, acrylic and mixed media and diverse elements interweave that magic to completeness, of the paintings.

Sunita is very passionate about her subject and they find their voice through Sunita’s expositions when the viewer finds them in conversation with the subject.

During her years in Birla Academy of Art and Culture from the year 1987-1990, Sunita had a great privilege to learn about art form under the mentorship of Smt. Karuna Saha a bold and fearless artist of Bengal herself with an independent thought process, She learnt that art was a more humane form of expression and it made a profound impact on common man. It was a powerful tool wherein in Sunita could voice her soul and hence a medium for the cause she strongly believe’s in. Sunita did ample work using this powerful tool as a contribution to society.

A famous Quote by Leonardo Da Vinci echoes her thoughts

“Where the spirit does not work with hand there is no art”

Sunita’s belief, ‘One must still have the chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing ‘STAR”.



2022  New Delhi Municipal Council , Janpath

2022 Art camp at NGMA New Delhi, women’s day celebration.

2022  invited as a jury for Dubai based Arts & Craft organization.

2022  invited as a jury for BIT Sindri  Art Fest ‘Shades’

2022  National Museum New Delhi with Panash

2021 upcomming International exhibition at Nile Art Festival , Egypt in 2022

2021 exhibition at Maldives National Art Gallery with Smd foundation

2021  ICAC Ahmedabad Art contest & exchange program.

2021 Gnani Art Gallery , Singapore

2021 Visual Art Gallery IHC New Delhi

2021  ICAC gallery Ahemdabad

2021 Manikarnika art gallery Jhansi

2021 Panash NGO, talk show

2021 Indonesian Art& Culture

2021 Creative India Campaign, Artdom

2021 Bombay Art Society

2021 Manikarnika art gallery Jhansi

2021  Spectrum 2 , Absolute Arts 3D gallery

2021 Peginadearte online women Empowerment Exhibition

2021 Pancha Rothi Indo- Morocco international Exhibition

2021 Morning outdoor group W.B

2021Manikarnika Art gallery

2021 Virtual BAM 2021

2021 Mukhote An art challenge 2021

2021 Art’est an art Abode

2021 Artdom story

2021 Featured in Art O Model Potrika W.B

2021 Hope chapter 2 International virtual art show

2021  Manikarnika international art exhibition

2021: Pancha Rothi International art exhibition

2021 I am

2021 Scarlet Indo- Bangladesh exhibition

2021 Artdom ‘ Voice of Mask’

2021 Cancer patients Aid Association

2021 International Art  festival at National Art gallery of Maldives with SMD art foundation

2021 White esprit creator community

2021 Show Your Talent

2021 Turning strokes

2021 Manirika Art gallery

2012  IARF & Radart foundation. Guniness book of world record

2021 Art De Photo – Rangbarse

2021 2021 Artcom Expo – International Women’s Day

2021 Bicentenary of America in Artistic intercultural call

2021 Indonesian Art and Cultural Network. #PRAYFORMAYANMAR

2021 Artcom Expo international Association (Norway)

2021 Indo Russian cultural exchange

2021 La AARTmesia studio & Gallery

2021 ARTathon Artathon

2021 Art Beats woman’s day special (Pune)

2021 Karkhana (Bangla Desh)

2021 Nirantar group, Chandigarh

2021 Khajurao art festival with EACH foundation

2021 Kalaratnam

2021 Charcoal foundation, Thailand

2020-21 Sanskar Bharati Gorakhpur

2020 Kalaratnam

2020 ZOBRA art village, Bangladesh

2020 Bangiya Kala Kendra

2020 Uchaan Arts New Delhi

2019 (group show) Lucknow & Bareli

2019 Visual Art Gallery

2018 (solo show) Indian Habitat Centre

2017 Kalawatika, Noida

2016 Uchaan Habitat Centre New Delhi

2015 Uchaan Lalit Kala Academy

2015 Uchaan Fraser suite

2015 Art Mall won prize for best artwork displayed.

2014 Lalit kala Academy

2014 Uchaan Gold souk Mall Gurgaon

2014 Indian Habitat Center

2013 Art khopcha Sanik farms

1987 Achin Potuaa, Kolkata

1987 Birla Academy of Art and Culture

1986 Academy of Fine Arts, Kolkata

She has won innumerable awards, received award for best realistic painting and a Gold award by Kalaratnam twice  2020-2021, my painting won first prize in ARTathon Exhibition cum competition in 2021. Won one of the best 50 works on Show Your Talent international online Competition 2020 (Dec)

Won Silver medal at Morning outdoor Kolkata Exhibition 2021


 India, London, Canada, Greece, Australia, USA and Scotland amongst others.


Counter Visit


Comments (11)

Your each painting speaks a story and are so lively as well.
I wish you keep coming up with more amazing paintings.

Beautiful Artwork!!
Each work depicts an array of emotions and a story telling element, be it The Emerald Tree or Shiuli!!

Beautiful artwork, each work depicts an array of emotions and a story telling element, be it The Emerald Tree or Shiuli!!

What a wonderful display of emotions and presenting simple things from an eye of the artist. Amazing work 👏👏👏

Mesmerising exhibition of Art, i can imagine the tranquility required to create such masterpieces, impeccable. P.S. My favourite is the Lost Kingdom.

Mind blowing work, quite profound… displaying
Emotion in a very balanced way

Amazing work Sunitaji. 👏

Welcome all to the solo exhibition of Ms Sunita Agarwal. Painting to Sunita Agarwal has been an emotional upturn since her childhood. As a young Artist Sunita was born and brought up in Kolkata, hub of art and culture, she was always drawn towards human emotions and expressions. There is always a story telling element in Sunita’s creative process highlighting social issues, more particularly of women and children.

Very good artworks.

Work from heart , unparallel and

Your each painting speaks a story and are so lively as well.
I wish you keep coming up with more amazing paintings.

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